Following the recent two very successful constellations workshops with Julia Whittington, we are offering another on Sunday 6th July 2025. One issue holder and two representative places are still available. Visit here for more information.
Do you struggle with physical pain or disease?
Are you feeling stressed or anxious, or do you suffer from PTSD?
Are you impacted by the collective trauma of this world we are all living in?
Do you sometimes feel you don't know your place in the world or your purpose?
Do you feel you don't fit in with your family or societal 'norms'?
If you are working as a therapist or health practitioner of any sort, in any profession that involves close physical or mental contact with clients/patients, then do you notice that you are feeling tired, depressed, worn out, invaded?
If any of these apply to you, I would be delighted to assist you. My calling for the past 18 years has been to offer integrated, holistic, bespoke healthcare, involving the body-mind on a physical level and accessing the universal Consciousness or inforealm on an energetic level, using a wide variety of healing tools from different lineages. Around one third of my clients are medical/healing professionals, including doctors, nurses and psychotherapists as well as other bodywork therapists, who want a more integrated healthcare approach.
I work in a very hands-on somatic way, weaving together Craniosacral Therapy, Reiki, Shamanic Healing, Soul Retrieval, Constellations and other physical and energetic healing techniques as seems optimal for each individual, in an approach I call Temenos Touch. The underlying principal is always to get to the source of issues, dealing with causes, not just symptoms, so that real healing can take place.
Reiki, translated as universal life force energy, helps activate your own internal healing energy to release blockages that may have physical or emotional sources and which may be resulting in physical symptoms of all kinds, including low energy, depression, headaches, back pains, IBS, or feelings of being out of balance.
I find it to be particularly helpful for people who feel dissociated from their bodies, or for those suffering chronic illness or pain.
I only give Reiki attunements individually - that is training you how to use Reiki, first on yourself and then on others. I prefer to tailor the attunement to the experience and requirements of each individual.
Shamanic healing has the intent of empowering the client to heal themselves – to step into their potential and co-create their future path without being stuck in the stress and trauma of the past. The techniques I use are mainly those of the Q'ero of the Andes, Peru, taught within Alberto Villoldo's Four Winds training programme as well as being gleaned from my own numerous journeys to Peru.
Blocks holding people back could be entities, energetic attachments, psychic daggers or cords. I also work to release limiting beliefs and repeating patterns, often caused by trauma, or carried down the generations from the ancestors, genetic or karmic. The intention is always to assist you to live in a different way from this moment forwards, no matter how bad the past has been, and frequently involves the process of soul retrieval or perhaps a death and rebirth.
Craniosacral therapy is a subtle yet profound healing form which assists the body’s natural capacity for self-repair, helping to release deeply held patterns resulting from physical or psychological trauma. It treats people and causes rather than symptoms and labelled conditions.
Somatic Therapy works to release us from living either in hyper vigilance (fight or flight) or frozen dissociation (tonic immobility).
Within a somatic bodywork session I may use a variety of breathing techniques, rattles, drums, holding points on the body and talking to body parts. Rocks may be placed to represent blocks, and family members or ancestors or partners (current or previous) may be called in to the room energetically, for release and resolution of longstanding issues or conditioning.
George (Find out more here) and I offer deep diving exclusive, bespoke, residential intensives (24 or 48 hours) at our beautiful home in Rottingdean, just outside Brighton, East Sussex, for those who are ready to make profound, transformational changes in their lives. Often this involves working with our ancestral trauma, systemic trauma, limiting beliefs and societal conditioning.
Or come on a personal retreat, stay with us for one night, take some time for yourself to relax, walk in nature, and have one or more treatments on each of the two days you spend with us
In the UK psychedelics and MDMA are still listed as Class A drugs, and I am not encouraging people to use these substances illegally. But I work within a Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration Model (PHRI), recognising that many people are experimenting with plant medicines, as well as manufactured drugs such as LSD, ketamine and MDMA.
Recognising this reality, I recently qualified with the Psychedelic Health Professional Network, completing a one year Professional Certificate in Psychedelic Practice. Click Here I offer preparation sessions for people who are intending to engage in a psychedelic experience at a legal retreat, for instance in Central or South America, Spain, Portugal or the Netherlands. I am also offering integration sessions on your return from such retreats.
If you or one of your loved ones is dying and would like healing before the spirit transitions, and/or assistance in taking the spirit to the light, two stages of work are possible.
One is during life and one is after the physical death. This can also be described as the work of the Psychopomp, the Death Doula or the Soul Midwife.
A similar process of death to the old ways and a rebirth in this physical body is possible if you are you at a point of major change in your life where you want to release your old beliefs and ties and way of being, to allow you to step into a new life. This could be brought about by a bereavement, a divorce, moving to a new country or any other major event.
It starts like conscious dying but then the rebirth uses the archetypes to bring in a map of what you would like to manifest in the future.
Reiki/craniosacral and somatic healing appointments last around one hour and cost £65 each
Level 1 training/attunement (for self healing) £100
Level 2 training/attunement (for healing others and holding the therapy space for others) £150
Master training/attunement (the ability to attune others) £120 if you did Level 2 with me, £200 if you had a different Level 2 Master, as I will revise what I teach in Levels 1and 2 before allowing you to use my lineage for attunements with your own students
Shamanic healing and Temenos Touch appointments typically last about ninety minutes at a cost of £85.
For new clients in Rottingdean, Brighton, East Sussex; or for online distance healing, I ask for payment in advance of the session to reserve your appointment time. To facilitate this I can give you my bank details or I can invoice you through Paypal. Cancellation charges of 50% of the full treatment price apply to any appointments cancelled within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time. Cancellation charges of 100% apply to no-shows without any cancellation notice.
I'm based in Rottingdean, Brighton, East Sussex which is easily accessible from the surrounding areas such as Peacehaven, Kemptown, Newhaven and Woodingdean.