Hummingbird represents the North on the Medicine Wheel – transcendence, removing our underlying limiting beliefs, to free ourselves up to dream a new world into being. No labels, no stories: challenges become opportunities.
Hummingbird makes the impossible journey. If, in proportion to his size, a man travelled as far as a Rufous Hummingbird does between its summer and winter homes, he would be able to go half the distance from the earth to the sun, forty-five million miles, in two months. If, again in proportion to his size, a man could travel as fast as a Hummingbird, he would be able to circle the earth, twenty-five thousand miles, in three minutes. Science says hummingbirds should not be able to migrate across the Gulf of Mexico annually, as even if they converted their entire mass into energy, that would not be enough to make the flight. But they do!
Hummingbird is joyful and represents the mythic place, the soul’s journey. When we enter the hummingbird perception we step outside normal reality, to see the soul’s calling, the heart’s desire, what is possible in this life.
The North represents the journey of the sage, where we learn to be still, like the surface of the lake that reflects everything and disturbs nothing, connecting with the ancestors, those who have come before us and those who will come after.
In the North we stop telling our stories and we stop colluding with our clients' stories of dis-ease. We see their healed state and focus on that, we do not focus on the wound/the illness/the symptoms.
We also recognise that everything we think/do/say creates a ripple. We are powerful way beyond what we have been led to believe, but with that power comes responsibility. In the entangled universe every action, every word, every thought has a consequence and we need to take responsibility for the ripples we create. And with responsibility comes the need for integrity, as the more power we accumulate, the deeper a hurtful word or action will go.
It’s also about authenticity - congruence between who we say we are and how we live. Part of authenticity is that the more you speak the truth the more what you speak comes true. Be aware!