Eagle represents the East and the journey of the visionary, the direction of rebirth, where the life-giving sun rises each morning, bringing us an opportunity to meet our world anew.
We can practice dreaming the world into being and participating in creation. This is similar to the classic mythical hero’s journey, calling us to leave our ordinary life as we know it and step fearlessly into the unknown.
Eagle/condor lives in the high mountains and sees the higher perspective, the bigger picture, from the level of the super-conscious. Eagle helps us to fly high, wing to wing with great Spirit.
One gift of the eagle is the ability to start afresh each day, free of the old stories about who we are, unbounded by expectations or fears or doubts. Every gift from Spirit entails an obligation, however, and in the East the obligation is to share the wisdom you’ve acquired with others.
Piero Ferrucci, one of the leaders of the psychosynthesis tradition. He wrote, ‘If you work on yourself, you are already participating in the extraordinary, ageless work of overcoming darkness and pain, and of the evocation of latent potential. Take some time to realize that this work is not only your own private project, but the part of a wider unfoldment in which countless individuals are participating in many ways: the evolution of humankind.’ What we may be
So as you step into the place of eagle, be prepared to take responsibility, to share what you have learned.
One of the exercises I offer is Death and Rebirth within life. This is done when people want deep change. Say goodbye as if on the death bed. Who would you want to call in, living or dead, to say I love you, I forgive you, I am sorry, why did you do that to me? We complete the unfinished business, cleanse the luminous energy field, then envisage the rest of this life (the rebirth) from the place of the archetypes.
This can also be done at the end of life, with a life review and calling in within the Field those who cannot actually attend the deathbed, (including any who have already passed that you would like to talk to), but of course completing with releasing the luminous energy field after the physical death. This is a process also called Conscious Dying and can bring great healing to the spirit, and to all those called in, even although the physical body cannot be cured at this point.