Evelyn Brodie

Shamanic, Reiki & Craniosacral Healing Rottingdean, Brighton, East Sussex

Shamanic Treatments

Much of Western psychotherapy tends to teach small steps - titration - don't deal with more than one thing at a time - don't try to change too much at once. Shamanism says shed the past and that which no longer serves you the way the serpent changes its skin - all in one piece. Change the underlying energetic pattern, the underlying mythic map. Let go of the stories, the dramas, the traumas and the conditioning, so that you can step into a new way of being. That of course includes honouring that you are still here, you have life, because the ancestors did what they needed to do in order to survive.

All the shamanic work that I do has the intention of empowering the client to heal themselves so that they can step into their own true selves, finding their place, purpose and potential.

Evelyn Brodie with Don Francisco, Peru 2013

Photograph with Don Francisco, Peru 2013

Shamanic work is archetypical, working in nonlocal consciousness, outside of 4 dimensional space and time. The shamans have always been able to journey, to access the universal, omniscient and omnipresent Consciousness, Great Spirit, Awareness. Shamans always saw the individual in the context of the community, the tribe, the conditioning, the environment.The Perennial Philosophy that Consciousness is fundamental is back on the scientific agenda. And so is Collective Trauma. More and more frequently now, I see people who are not just trying to work for themselves, but for the lineage, those who have come before and those who will come after. The ripples of this work are extending to bring in Collective healing.

The Medicine Wheel and the archetypes that I work with are :

Serpent in the South - who teaches us to shed the past the way it sheds its skin, and to walk on the earth with connectedness and beauty.

Jaguar in the West - who teaches us how to track, how to cross the rainbow bridge between the worlds, travellin fearlessly and without causing harm.

Hummingbird in the North - who helps us to make impossible journeys and shows us how to drink sweetly, joyfully from the nectar of life.

Eagle condor in the East - who helps us to see things from a higher perspective, the whole picture and to fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit.

Many of the techniques I use are taught in Alberto Villoldo's School of 'Healing the Light Body'. They are based on the traditions of the Peruvian Q'ero and I have visited Peru numerous times to work directly with many Paquos in the Q'ero tradition of the Andes, as well as Maestros in the Shipibo tradition of the Amazon. In these traditions, heavy energy may be imprinted on us and our DNA, either through our own actions and life experiences, or through the collective trauma of our ancestors, or from psychic daggers (negative thought forms) sent by others. The healing process uses a combination of ritual work with sacred stones, breathwork, holding of release points in the body, drumming, rattling and journeying to clear this heavy energy, repairing the wounded areas with illuminating light.

For shamanic work you need to think about the issue, limiting belief or wounding that you would like to work on and clear, before you arrive. This frequently changes as we discuss it and work with it - your unconscious mind will know the real trauma to be acknowledged and released - so don't worry about it too much, but it is helpful to have a starting point, an intention for the session. Of course we will only go as far as feels safe for you at that moment.

Please tell me before we start this treatment if you are pregnant or trying to conceive.

Much more information about the shamanic healings is given in this video.

Releasing binding roles to rediscover your essence or Higher Self

In modern transpersonal psychotherapy 'roles' are also known as 'sub-personalities' or 'parts'. What roles have you assigned to yourself in your live? What roles have others assigned to you, with or without your consent? Are all these roles pulling you in different directions, at war with each other?

This exercise identifies the roles, where they came from, how long they need to remain in our lives - and in many cases releases them. Once we move the roles aside, we are left with our true essence, our Higher Self. We can then envisage various different destinies for this self and the transformation we can make in our lives if we choose - everything is always in a state of constant change and we are able to transform our destiny and choose a different way of being from this day forwards.

Soul Retrieval

When something traumatic happens in our lives we often cut off/shut off a part of our soul in order to survive. At the same time we make a contract with life that will keep us safe... However, this splintering of the soul leaves us incomplete. Soul retrieval aims to collect a part of the soul we have left behind along the journey (perhaps earlier in this lifetime, or perhaps we are carrying the split from a past life or on behalf of an ancestor/the family lineage).

We undertake a mythical journey to seek the original wound, the contract that was made at that time and the part that was left behind. We re-write the contract to serve us today, and negotiate with the lost soul part what it needs from us to be safe to re-enter our lives and help us towards completeness. We visit the chamber of gifts and receive a gift and we ask for a power animal that will help us in our lives.

Gifts of the ancestors

Do you feel out of place in your family? Do you have 'unfinished business' with family members who have died? Do you feel constrained or bound by family history?

In this lineage work you pick three of your dead ancestors that you would like to work with. You choose three stones to represent them and you 'place' them around you in the energy field (what in constellations work is called The Knowing Field). You then step into each of their lives, one by one, to find out what they still need to say to you, and what gifts they have for you. You may then want to reorganise their positions in the field relative to you and each other, until the lineage is as it needs to be. Once you have learned what gifts they have for you, to can choose whether or not to accept these, and then you release your ancestors in ceremony - honouring them and what the geneological lineage has given to you.

Conscious Dying

If you or one of your loved ones is dying and would like healing before the spirit transitions, and/or assistance in taking the spirit to the light, two stages of work are possible.

Ideally, the process starts when the client is still alive - conducting a review of this life's journey and anything that needs to be resolved or released before death - 'unfinished business'. This heavy energy can be released as slowly or as quickly as time allows.

Secondly, within 48 hours of death the luminous body can be assisted in its departure from the physical body. The chakras are then locked to ensure the luminous body cannot re-enter the physical. This process is possible even if the life review has not taken place.

Seven Chakra Cleansing - a death during life that precedes renewal

Are you at a point of major change in your life where you want to release your old beliefs and ties and way of being, to allow you to step into a new life? This could be brought about by a bereavement, a divorce, moving to a new country or any other major event. It requires having done a significant amount of personal work and energetic cleansing already as it is a very deep and profound process of surrender.

In it we recapitulate your life so far - where is there unfinished business? The shaman sits as your witness and as the representative for those you wish to talk to as you bring this heavy energy to the surface, whether those called in are living or dead.

Then the shaman clears each of the chakras in turn, taking away the heavy energy from throughout the client's luminous body and finally, working with the archetypes, brings in a map of what the client wants to manifest in the future.

Working with the Archetypes

With word deconstruction, you choose an issue that is holding you back in your life - it could be saying yes, no, your own name, a decision you need to take about leaving a relationship, changing jobs, moving countries. We then look at that issue from the four different perceptual states of serpent, jaguar, hummingbird and eagle. As you move through the perceptual states you change the 'reality' that you perceive and how you engage with that reality, thereby releasing the binding constraints the issue puts on you.

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